
mercredi 19 mai 2010

Elvis Costello annule ses concerts en Israël

Publié le 18-05-201
Le chanteur britannique Elvis Costello a annulé deux concerts en Israël en invoquant l’"humiliation" des Palestiniens par les autorités israéliennes. "C’est après une réflexion considérable que je suis dernièrement arrivé à la décision que je dois me retirer des deux concerts prévus en Israël le 30 juin et le 1er juillet", a affirmé Elvis Costello sur son site internet.

"Le public des concerts prévus comprenda sans doute, car j’imagine qu’il y aurait compté beaucoup de gens qui se posent des questions sur la politique de leur gouvernement, sur la colonisation et déplorent les conditions qui vont jusqu’à l’intimidation, l’humiliation ou bien pire à l’encontre des civils palestiniens, au nom de la sécurité nationale", a-t-il ajouté.
Avant Elvis Costello, le guitariste et chanteur américain d’origine mexicaine Carlos Santana et Gil Scott-Heron, un musicien américain considéré comme l’un des pères du rap, avaient déjà annulé des concerts dans l’Etat hébreu.
Ci-dessous la lettre en anglais d’Elvis Castello, dont on appréciera l’honnêteté et la lucidité ,quand il dit que musique et politique ont forcément un rapport, à moins de se limiter à concevoir la musique comme du bruit.
On peut le remercier d’avoir été receptif aux arguments de la campagne BDS lancée par les Palestiniens en lui écrivant à
"It is after considerable contemplation that I have lately arrived at the decision that I must withdraw from the two performances scheduled in Israel on the 30th of June and the 1st of July.
One lives in hope that music is more than mere noise, filling up idle time, whether intending to elate or lament.
Then there are occasions when merely having your name added to a concert schedule may be interpreted as a political act that resonates more than anything that might be sung and it may be assumed that one has no mind for the suffering of the innocent.
I must believe that the audience for the coming concerts would have contained many people who question the policies of their government on settlement and deplore conditions that visit intimidation, humiliation or much worse on Palestinian civilians in the name of national security.
I am also keenly aware of the sensitivity of these themes in the wake of so many despicable acts of violence perpetrated in the name of liberation.
Some will regard all of this an unknowable without personal experience but if these subjects are actually too grave and complex to be addressed in a concert, then it is also quite impossible to simply look the other way.
I offer my sincere apologies for any disappointment to the advance ticket holders as well as to the organizers.
My thanks also go to the members of the Israeli media with whom I had most rewarding and illuminating conversations. They may regard these exchanges as a waste of their time but they were of great value and help to me in gaining an appreciation of the cultural scene.
I hope it is possible to understand that I am not taking this decision lightly or so I may stand beneath any banner, nor is it one in which I imagine myself to possess any unique or eternal truth.
It is a matter of instinct and conscience.
It has been necessary to dial out the falsehoods of propaganda, the double game and hysterical language of politics, the vanity and self-righteousness of public communiqués from cranks in order to eventually sift through my own conflicted thoughts.
I have come to the following conclusions.
One must at least consider any rational argument that comes before the appeal of more desperate means.
Sometimes a silence in music is better than adding to the static and so an end to it.
I cannot imagine receiving another invitation to perform in Israel, which is a matter of regret but I can imagine a better time when I would not be writing this.
With the hope for peace and understanding".
Elvis Costello